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Now Issue References can be listed per Results.

View Menu

When selecting Issues References the following page will be displayed:

Issues References view

The Failure Tracks Metric now contains a built-in "Failure triage" link indicated by /[failures].

Failure Triage link

The link allows faster navigation to view the types of failures being tracked by Testspace.

Testspace updates the spec with source changes and now only notifies users when the case name has been changed or deleted and has existing status. Using the spec as an example, and modifying Test Case One name (i.e. (mod) added):

# Hello
This is a manual test.

## Test Case One (mod)
Some description here.

* check this
* check that

## Test Case Two
Some description here.

* check this
* check that

The listing will visually indicate the status may be mismatched due to newer source changes.

Listing indicating Source Code Change

When an Issue is auto-generated for GitHub or Jira tracking systems, the corresponding case instructions are now inserted, along with the status, providing more context for triaging.

Case instructions inserted into Issue

The results listings have been simplified, providing the pass rate %, the total cases, and the number of suites. The failure tracking information is under the pass rate %.

Results Listings

The Manual Listings now provide stats for each group, including overall stats for all specs included in the repo.

Group Testing Stats"

The Spec Listings has been enhanced including two new columns: Issues, and Tested. The Tested column contains when and who information.

Each column is now sortable.

Spec Listing includes additional columns