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Manual Automated Fixturing

Testspace support for serverless automation using GitHub Actions and AWS Lambdas enables testing that leverages a hybrid of automation and manual verification.

See spec fixture section for details.

Implement more effective tests using a hybrid of automation and human observations.

Here are some examples of integrating automation with manual execution:

  • Reduction in Manual Execution Time. Leverage automation for tedious and redundant setup/teardown requirements vs human execution.

  • More Effective Test Coverage. By leveraging a combination of automated fixturing and the power of human observations, more problems often can be discovered. Fully automating everything can have significant limits in verification and be time-consuming to implement and maintain.

  • Eliminated IT Setup for Human Tester. All testing, including automation, is executed in the context of a Browser. Automation is executed leveraging callable serverless functions and abstracted from the human tester. There are no dependencies on the computer being used by the Tester.