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A Test Spec can now be executed as a standalone, outside a formally defined Test Session. To execute as a standalone click on a specific test spec and press the START button. You will be prompted to confirm the execution outside a formal test session. Once the STOP button is pressed, the existing status will be committed to a results record.

To abandon the test spec run, select the x in the top right corner before pressing the STOP button.

For more information on running manual tests, refer to Test Execution help.

For Enterprise accounts, one or more users can now be assigned as an Enterprise Admin. An Enterprise Admin is provided a detailed management console at, listing pertinent information for all of the subdomains existing in the account.

To request a user(s) to be assigned as an Enterprise Admin contact us.

Test results coming from multiple GitHub workflows can be aggregated together into the same results record. Testspace will automatically aggregate results when triggered by the same commit. We recommend using a separate folder, using the workflow's name, when publishing content.

- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Testspace client install & config
uses: testspace-com/setup-testspace@v1
domain: ${{github.repository_owner}}
- name: Testspace push test content
run: testspace "[${{ github.workflow }}]./testcontent/*.xml"

The aggregation works for all jobs, within the same workflow (i.e. matrix), or in separate workflows.

Refer to the following example -

Testspace manual test specifications now support the Liquid templating language. Test specs are handled as template files, meaning they get preprocessed before being statically rendered. This functionality enables a markdown file to use variables, include other markdown files (subroutines) along with passing parameters, and even implement conditional logic.

Leveraging the GitHub static website generator Jekyll, which supports Liquid, test specs can be implemented and previewed on your desktop during development.

Exploratory testing is a test flow that provides additional test coverage and usability assessment, using a non-scripted testing approach. It is no-constrained, non-scripted observational-based testing.

According to Martin Fowler, "Rather than trying to verify that the software conforms to a pre-written test script, exploratory testing explores the characteristics of the software, raising discoveries that will then be classified as reasonable behavior or failures." See Martin's article on Exploratory Testing.