The following sections provide information on using Testspace with popular PHP
test frameworks and tools.
To push collected files simply use the Testspace client
$ testspace static-analysis-results test-results code-coverage-results
Test Frameworks
PHPUnit is a programmer-oriented testing framework for PHP.
PHPUnit sample:
Testspace accepts JUnit XML formatted Test results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
phpunit tests --log-junit results.xml
In the Testspace client
command-line reference results.xml
as "test-results" file.
Code Coverage
The PHPUnit test framework has built-in support for code coverage.
Testspace accepts Clover XML formatted results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
phpunit tests --coverage-clover coverage.xml
In the Testspace client
command-line reference coverage.xml
as "code-coverage-results" file.
Static Analysis
PHP_CodeSniffer is a detector of a defined set of coding standards violations for PHP.
Testspace accepts Checkstyle XML formatted results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
phpcs --report=checkstyle --report-file=analysis.xml /path/to/source
In the Testspace client
command-line reference analysis.xml
as "static-analysis-results" file.
PHPMD is a source code analyzer for PHP.
Testspace accepts PMD XML formatted results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
phpmd /path/to/source xml --reportfile=analysis.xml
In the Testspace client
command-line reference analysis.xml
as "static-analysis-results" file.
PHPStan is a PHP static analysis tool.
Testspace accepts Checkstyle XML formatted results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
phpstan analyse --error-format=checkstyle > analysis.xml
In the Testspace client
command-line reference analysis.xml
as "static-analysis-results" file.
Psalm is a free & open-source PHP static analysis tool.
Testspace accepts Checkstyle XML formatted results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
psalm --output-format=checkstyle --report=analysis.xml
In the Testspace client
command-line reference analysis.xml
as "static-analysis-results" file.