The following sections provide information on using Testspace with popular C#
test frameworks and tools.
To push collected files simply use the Testspace client
$ testspace static-analysis-results test-results code-coverage-results
Test Frameworks
Microsoft Unit Test Framework
Microsoft unit test framework is installed with Visual Studio and provides a framework for testing .NET code.
Testspace accepts TRX formatted Microsoft Unit Test assembly results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
vstest.console %TEST_DIR%\test-assembly.dll /Logger:trx
In the Testspace client
command-line reference TestResults\*.trx
as "test-results" files.
NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .NET languages.
C# NUnit sample: https://github.com/testspace-samples/csharp.nunit
Note: The description that follows assumes that you are using Visual Studio to compile/link your source code.
Testspace accepts NUnit XML formatted NUnit Test assembly results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
nunit3-console %TEST_DIR%\test-assembly.dll --result:test-result.xml
In the Testspace client
command-line reference test-result.xml
as "test-results" file.
xUnit.net is a free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for the .NET Framework.
Note: The description that follows assumes that you are using Visual Studio to compile/link your source code.
Testspace accepts xUnit.net XML formatted xUnit.net Test assembly results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
xunit.console %TEST_DIR%\test-assembly.dll -xml test-result.xml
In the Testspace client
command-line reference test-result.xml
as "test-results" file.
Code Coverage
AltCover is an instrumenting coverage tool for .NET.
Testspace accepts OpenCover XML formatted results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
dotnet test /p:AltCover=true
In the Testspace client
command-line reference coverage.xml
as "code-coverage-results" file.
Coverlet is a cross platform code coverage framework for .NET.
Testspace accepts OpenCover XML formatted results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover
In the Testspace client
command-line reference coverage.xml
as "code-coverage-results" file.
dotCover is a .NET unit test runner and code coverage tool.
Testspace accepts dotCover XML formatted results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
dotCover analyse /TargetExecutable=<path to target> /Output="coverage.xml"
In the Testspace client
command-line reference coverage.xml
as "code-coverage-results" file.
dotnet-coverage is a code coverage data collection tool for any .NET process and its subprocesses.
Testspace accepts BINARY or XML formatted Visual Studio Coverage results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
dotnet-coverage collect 'dotnet test' -f xml -o 'coverage.xml'
In the Testspace client
command-line reference coverage.xml
as "code-coverage-results" files.
OpenCover is a code coverage tool for .NET.
Testspace accepts OpenCover XML formatted results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
OpenCover.Console -target:<path to target> -output:"coverage.xml"
In the Testspace client
command-line reference coverage.xml
as "code-coverage-results" file.
Visual Studio Coverage
Visual Studio Coverage is provided as part of the Microsoft unit test framework.
Testspace accepts BINARY or XML formatted Visual Studio Coverage results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
vstest.console %TEST_DIR%\test-assembly.dll /Logger:trx /EnableCodeCoverage
In the Testspace client
command-line reference *.coverage
as "code-coverage-results" files.
Static Analysis
Any compiler relies on static analysis of the source code during compilation to generate its errors and warnings.
Testspace accepts Visual Studio style formatted build output logs. Simply write your build output to a file, e.g. build.log.
In the Testspace client
command-line reference build.log{lint}
as "static-analysis-results" file.
Visual Studio FxCop
Visual Studio FxCop is the Microsoft's .NET Managed code analysis tool.
Testspace accepts Visual Studio FxCop XML formatted results. Here is an example of how to produce such:
msbuild <vcxprojectfile> /p:RunCodeAnalysis=True /p:CodeAnalysisLogFile=analysis.xml
In the Testspace client
command-line reference analysis.xml
as "static-analysis-results" file.
Alternatively, the actual build log could be used - besides compiler errors/warnings it also contains the static analysis output. Simply write your build output to a file:
msbuild <vcxprojectfile> /p:Configuration=config-name /p:Platform=platform-name /p:RunCodeAnalysisOnce=True /flp:LogFile=build.log;Encoding=utf-8
In the Testspace client
command-line reference build.log{lint}
as "static-analysis-results" file.